ShippingApi - object-oriented interface


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axios: AxiosInstance = globalAxios
basePath: string = BASE_PATH
configuration: undefined | Configuration


  • Purchases a shipping service and returns purchase related details and documents. Note: You must complete the purchase within 10 minutes of rate creation by the shipping service provider. If you make the request after the 10 minutes have expired, you will receive an error response with the error code equal to "TOKEN_EXPIRED". If you receive this error response, you must get the rates for the shipment again. Usage Plan: | Rate (requests per second) | Burst | | ---- | ---- | | 80 | 100 | The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.


    Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<PurchaseShipmentResponse, any>>
