interface IAxiosRetryConfig {
    onMaxRetryTimesExceeded?: ((error: AxiosError, retryCount: number) => void | Promise<void>);
    onRetry?: ((retryCount: number, error: AxiosError, requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>) => void | Promise<void>);
    retries?: number;
    retryCondition?: ((error: AxiosError) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);
    retryDelay?: ((retryCount: number, error: AxiosError) => number);
    shouldResetTimeout?: boolean;
    validateResponse?: null | ((response: AxiosResponse<any, any>) => boolean);

Hierarchy (view full)


onMaxRetryTimesExceeded?: ((error: AxiosError, retryCount: number) => void | Promise<void>)

After all the retries are failed, this callback will be called with the last error before throwing the error.

onRetry?: ((retryCount: number, error: AxiosError, requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>) => void | Promise<void>)

A callback to get notified when a retry occurs, the number of times it has occurred, and the error

retries?: number

The number of times to retry before failing default: 3

retryCondition?: ((error: AxiosError) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)

A callback to further control if a request should be retried. default: it retries if it is a network error or a 5xx error on an idempotent request (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT or DELETE).

retryDelay?: ((retryCount: number, error: AxiosError) => number)

A callback to further control the delay between retry requests. By default there is no delay.

shouldResetTimeout?: boolean

Defines if the timeout should be reset between retries default: false

validateResponse?: null | ((response: AxiosResponse<any, any>) => boolean)

A callback to define whether a response should be resolved or rejected. If null is passed, it will fallback to the axios default (only 2xx status codes are resolved).